My interveiw with Tyler Ingling was rather short. I asked her many questions trough out the 10 minutes that we talked.
I recorded the interveiw on my phone.
During the interveiw, she stated that she has thought about playing again, since she has played flute before. When I asked her if she knew anything about music anymore, she said no but if someone was to remind her, she would probably quickly learn again.
Throughout the years, she said that she hasn't really seen any flubnctuations in her grades but music did seem to help her in a little bit in classes.
I also asked her what she uses music for. She replied, " It's a getaway and it's fun because my friendsare usually there with the music." She also said that the music helps with her emotions saying, " If I am sasd and a good song comes on, all of the sudden I am happy." Tyler also said that sometimes a song can remind her of someone or something.
I contiued to ask questions, trying to get some more answers, like what does she feel about after school musical activities.
"Why would I ever do that?!" she said was her first reaction when her friends tried to get her to join Winter Guard and Marching Band but now, she absolutly loves it. She even said " Now, I won't quit until I graduate.
Another question I asked is how do you think we get discriminated against?
She replied that the administration and the kids not involved don't realize how much work we do in these activeities.
"You don't know how much work is involved with Marching Band until you try it."
She continues by talking about how much music has helped her in life emotionally and socially. She gained many friends and knowladge that not many people have now a days.
Lastly, she even stated that if anything happened, it would be something that she would turn to.
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