Monday, March 4, 2013

College Audition Process for Music Educators

Over the past few months, I have auditioned for 4 different colleges for music education.
Over this past weekend, I auditioned for the last time at Rowan University.
The process is pretty grueling.
After seeing what each school wants you to prepare, you then have to practice for at least an hour a day, at least that is what most private teachers say. You should practice for months before auditioning. Usually you have to prepare scales, a solo, and any other things the specific teacher asks for.
When you go to audition at Rowan specifically, you go in and sign up for a time to audition for your specific instruments teacher.They will give you a piece of paper syaing what rooms all of your audition and placement tests will be located at and what times they will be open. 
You have to complete:
A Theory placement test
An Interveiw
An Essay
Sight singing
Everything other then the auditon, you do on your own schedule. You can choose when to go as you please.
In my case, I did everything before the audition.
The scariest part is the audition especially since the flute teacher at Rowan joined the Philadelphia Orchestra at the age of 12 and is a master at the song I was auditioning with.
Everyone seemed very nice and seemed understanding that everyone is going to be nervous.
Now hopefully I get in.

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