Sadly, I have not been accepted as a music major in any of the colleges I applied to.... I'm planning to go to a university I was accepted to academically then transfer after the first semester to Rowan.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tyler Ingling Interveiw
My interveiw with Tyler Ingling was rather short. I asked her many questions trough out the 10 minutes that we talked.
I recorded the interveiw on my phone.
During the interveiw, she stated that she has thought about playing again, since she has played flute before. When I asked her if she knew anything about music anymore, she said no but if someone was to remind her, she would probably quickly learn again.
Throughout the years, she said that she hasn't really seen any flubnctuations in her grades but music did seem to help her in a little bit in classes.
I also asked her what she uses music for. She replied, " It's a getaway and it's fun because my friendsare usually there with the music." She also said that the music helps with her emotions saying, " If I am sasd and a good song comes on, all of the sudden I am happy." Tyler also said that sometimes a song can remind her of someone or something.
I contiued to ask questions, trying to get some more answers, like what does she feel about after school musical activities.
"Why would I ever do that?!" she said was her first reaction when her friends tried to get her to join Winter Guard and Marching Band but now, she absolutly loves it. She even said " Now, I won't quit until I graduate.
Another question I asked is how do you think we get discriminated against?
She replied that the administration and the kids not involved don't realize how much work we do in these activeities.
"You don't know how much work is involved with Marching Band until you try it."
She continues by talking about how much music has helped her in life emotionally and socially. She gained many friends and knowladge that not many people have now a days.
Lastly, she even stated that if anything happened, it would be something that she would turn to.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Continuing problems
This past weekend, I was incredibly sick. I was not able to do any blogs due to my illness and the fact that my mom would not let me use the laptop or computer and I had no internet on my phone. sadly, I was also not able to participate at the University of Penn Palestra Honors Band this past weekend. It would have given me a time to show off my skills to a place where I applied to attend college.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Caution # 5
Another problem I am experiencing today is sickness. I have a bad cold but am trying to get through it. I probably won't be able to go to the University of Penn Palestra band now because of this. Hopefully, I will feel better by tomorrow so I can interveiw a few peiople from different schools too not just our own. and to play with a different group of people playing college level music.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Overveiw part 2
Over the past few week that I have truly been working on this project, I have done 3 interviews, only put up one so far, a lot of research which I am currently reading and highlighting important information for my project, and updated my blog as much as possible. I have also observed my 2 music teachers while participating in class and taking notes that could help me in the future. I have also had my own experiences working on my career as a musician by joining the University of Penn Palestra Honors Band, going to a Rowan Festival competing to be one of the top 12 bands in NJ for the 4th year in a row, and tomorrow I am going to see the Philadelphia Orchestra practice during school and I am hoping that at some point, I can try to talk to some of the musicians there to see what they have to say. Things have been going slow with interviews due to scheduling and everyone else's busy schedules and computer error. I have tried to send out emails to do interviews that way but have not received anything back from either of the 3 people I have tried to contact. Hopefully, I can see them in person at some point and try to schedule a quick interview with them then.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Caution #4
Another problem that I have found was that, with emails, not everyone checks theirs enough to respond. I sent some emails out to conduct some interveiws as this is one of the ways that my teachers have given me to conduct an interveiw and not one person has responded.
I sent the emails out about a week ago and have not recieved anything back. I have texted those that I could get a hold of and did not here back.
Hopefully I can get some responses because this is making me fall behind on my interveiws.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Caution #3
Today I realized I cannot conduct one of my interviews. On Friday I have a field trip that takes up the whole school day which is when I planned to do my interview. I will most likely move it to next week. Hopefully I will get all of the information from my other interviews up soon.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Today during class, I decided it was a good day to research about the reasons why I chose to do this project. I printed out a lot of information and will be going through all of them over the next few days highlighting everything I thought was important. I researched the questions:
Does music help with grades
Does music help with expressing emotions.
Here are the websites I found Helpful:
"Music Education Can Help Children Improve Reading Skills." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 Mar. 2009. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Music Lessons May Boost IQ and Grades." Music Lessons May Boost IQ and Grades. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Music and Emotion." Music and Emotion. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Science Blogs." Cognitive Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Using Music to Help Children with Special Needs Manage Emotions | The Whole Learning School." Using Music to Help Children with Special Needs Manage Emotions | The Whole Learning School. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
This weekend, I have been trying to plan out who and when I want I interview people. Hopefully I can get these people done this next week.
Monday Tyler Ingling
Tuesday Jozee Muscella
Wendsday Marisa Murphy
Thursday Melissa Jarvis
Friday Shaun Lindner
This past week, a representative of the Marine Corps band came and started to talk to us about the opportunities that can come with joining the Marine Corps band. It seemed interesting but I don't think that I am going to join because I am tired of moving already since I am a military child.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Caution #2
My next issue that I ran into was losing power. Apparently a transformer blew on base at 830 yesterday morning. They didn't know when they would be able to fix the problem but last night at 930 the power came back on. Sadly, I was at a friends house already cause my mom wanted me to be somewhere else just on case we didn't get power back so we wouldn't freeze overnight.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Interveiw: Ali Ashwood
A few days ago, I interveiwed a student by the name of Ali Ashwood who has been singing since elementary school. I haven't been able to interveiw those stated from a few posts ago. She happened to be in the same place as me one day and I took advantage of the situation.She gladly answered some nof my questions and here is some answers she gave.
- When did you start playing? I started to sing in elementary school and played an instrument for a little while in middle school but had to stop due to scheduling.
- What do you like about music? "It is a get away for me." said Ali. She stated that music makes her feel better even on the toughest days whenever she is really sad or upset.
- Why do you like music? The fact that people can use it as a get away and how much you can get into the music.
- Have you seen any type of grade improvement since you joined a band/ chior? Not really but it has helped me in class with a few aspects like fractions in math and pronuncitation in english.
- What are your opinions on music activites? ( Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chior, ect) "I love guard" she said when I asked her about these activities. She is in the color guard in the marching band and in winter guard for the high school.
- Do you know anything about music theory? " I know Solfegdge if that's what you mean.."She knows some theory but only the pure basics like notes, names of key signitures.
She said that she also wants to be a singer and hopefully learning guitar( she is now) and continuing with chior will help.
Monday, March 4, 2013
College Audition Process for Music Educators
Over the past few months, I have auditioned for 4 different colleges for music education.
Over this past weekend, I auditioned for the last time at Rowan University.
The process is pretty grueling.
After seeing what each school wants you to prepare, you then have to practice for at least an hour a day, at least that is what most private teachers say. You should practice for months before auditioning. Usually you have to prepare scales, a solo, and any other things the specific teacher asks for.
When you go to audition at Rowan specifically, you go in and sign up for a time to audition for your specific instruments teacher.They will give you a piece of paper syaing what rooms all of your audition and placement tests will be located at and what times they will be open.
You have to complete:
A Theory placement test
An Interveiw
An Essay
Sight singing
Everything other then the auditon, you do on your own schedule. You can choose when to go as you please.
In my case, I did everything before the audition.
The scariest part is the audition especially since the flute teacher at Rowan joined the Philadelphia Orchestra at the age of 12 and is a master at the song I was auditioning with.
Everyone seemed very nice and seemed understanding that everyone is going to be nervous.
Now hopefully I get in.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Step by step
One of the reasons why I wanted to do this project was to become a music teacher. Today, I completed all of my auditions for music education in college. Hopefully, I get in.
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