I have finished writing my presentation and now the only thing that is left is to present. Right now my goal is to practice until I feel like I have my information down.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Almost there
I am almost done. In a week, I will be presenting and I can't wait to show the administrators how much we actually work. I still have a list of things to do like:
make my sypnosis
make my notes for when I present
add more pictures and information
print out slides
I am excited and also kind of scared if I will get through to the administrators.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Problems emerge in the school!
These past few weeks, there has been a virus going on through out the computers and I have also been on a lot of field trips for band and chior which are the reasons I have not been able to update my blog lately. I also don't have a working computer at home right now and my family is working on moving becasue my sister and my mother are moving to california and I am getting ready for college.I was not allowed to go onto the computers her eat the school for a few days due to the virus going on.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Lately, I have been working on my powerpoint. Sadly I have also been sick with an uper respiratory infection and missed a few days. I have about a 22 slide power point at this time and I am working on completling it. I also finished my interveiw with Mrs. Dobberstien and should be putting it up soon.
Hopefully, I can finish by my presentation date which is June 17th.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
In class on Monday, my teacher explained how to make a great powerpoint. With the standard layout he showed us, he gave me things to fix on my powerpoint and things to add. Today, that is what I am focused on.
I have emailed other people but have had almost no luck getting a responce. Are people that busy that they can't respond to an email?
I am sending more just in case.
The survey was a complete failure. I got no evidance that I can show as a responce to my questions.
Monday, May 6, 2013
David Taylor Interveiw
Why did you decide to become a music teacher
It was one of the few things that I knew how to dosuccelfully in High School so I figured that I would pursue it!
How do you feel music education programs are treated in schools in this period of time?
Forgotten, not at all, and sometimes a last minute consideration because politically we feel we have to?
Do you think that music programs should grow in the U.S?
I’m not sure about grow but I’m very sure that better music education needs to be offered at all levels so that there is coordination between levels of music in the schools
Do you think that music education helps students with grades? If so, why?
Absolutely! In my 21 years of teaching it’s been my observation that most of the National Honor Society students coming out of the 4 schools that I’ve workedat are always part of the band or choir program! This is not by chance?
What do you like about being a music teacher?
I really have enjoyed it and have learned so much from the kids that I’ve had over the years! Most rewarding!
6)How do you think students that are involved in music differ from those not involved?
Students that are active in music after school as well as in school seem to be more outgoing and have an advantage in their academics with other students that are just worried about good grades and a gpa!
7) Do you think that schools should require at least one type of music class for
If it fits into their schedule and if it is a class that is positive and productive!
8)How hard is it to become a musici teacher?
Very Hard and you have to take a lot of credits more than your average college student!
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
I am almost done with the interveiw with Mr.Taylor. I am just waiting on hiw last reponse and I will be able to put up the interveiw since it was via email. He has given me some good answers and I really do appreciate his help.
Sadly, I haven't heard back from Mrs. Dobberstien though. I don't know if she is busy or has a lot going on.
Also, I can't interveiw Mr. Lindner due to the fact that he is not here due to family health issues. That also means that I can't turn in any mentor logs.
I also havent heard from my old high school band teacher at all. I hope that if I send another email, I can get a response.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Continuing to learn
I am almost finished with the interveiw with Mr.David Taylor.
He is the choir teacher here at northern and he also teached Music theory. He has also taught A.P Music theory in past years and also was a band director that had a marching band.
He is my teacher and I do look up to him and I am learning a lot from his responses.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Starting to finish
Today, while waiting for my interveiws to all come together, I am going to start working on my powerpoint. I have a lot of things I have to do like:
Title page
My project
What I planned on doing
My issues
My blog
I have a lot of information for each subject. I don't know how long this powerpoint is going to take and I am also going to have pictures and videos which help my point.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
These past few days, I have been starting to interveiw Mr. Taylor, the choral and music theory teacher here at Northern, and my middle school band teacher, Mrs. Dobberstien. I have recieved emails back but the interveiws aren't finished yet. Hopefully all of my questions will be answered and more people will take my survey.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Update #3
Lately, I have been trying to get more interveiws especially with professors. I have some or students but I don't have any for teachers or professors yet and I have been trying to contact people but not many have responded. I have been doin a lot of research in the mean time and have gained a lot of information to help my point and I haven't once found anything against it. All of the evidance I have found is stating the good about music and not the bad.
Monday, April 15, 2013
More Info
While Researching, I found some interesting information that helps prove my point that music does truely help those who allow it to...
In 2001, students participating in music scored higher on the SATs than students with no arts participation.
• Scores for students in music performance classes were 57 points higher (Verbal) and 41 points higher (Math).
• Scores for students in music appreciation classes were 63 points higher (Verbal) and 44 points higher (Math).
College-Bound Seniors National Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers. Princeton, NJ: The College Entrance Examination Board, 2001
• Scores for students in music performance classes were 57 points higher (Verbal) and 41 points higher (Math).
• Scores for students in music appreciation classes were 63 points higher (Verbal) and 44 points higher (Math).
College-Bound Seniors National Report: Profile of SAT Program Test Takers. Princeton, NJ: The College Entrance Examination Board, 2001
All from http://www.schoolmusictoday.com/advocacy/musicadvocacyfacts.html
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Factoid #1
Studies show that where schools increase opportunities for the arts for all students, test scores rise proportionately.... Although pull-out instrumental lessons in the intermediate grades often come under scrutiny, largely due to scheduling, research has shown that creating time in the school day for band or choir has no impact on participants' test scores.
Paul G. Young, Principal of West Elementary School, Lancaster, PA, and President of the National Association of Elementary School Principlals 2002-2003
Source: Principal Magazine - Source Date: 2003-01-01
Factoid #2
Six studies in the last decades have been conducted to investigate the academic effects of removing students from the regular elementary classroom for string instruction. The studies involve both urban and suburban school districts differing in size, socioeconomic mix, and racial balance. All six studies show that student math and reading achievement test scores are not affected by classroom pull-out.
Source: "The Elementary Pullout Crisis: Using Research Effectively" ASTA publication
Source Date: 1998-04-01
Factoid #3
Student productivity is defined as academic achievement and satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the reorganization of school time -- the school calendar and the length of instructional periods -- on student satisfaction at the high school level. To read more about their research please go to link below.
Source: National Association for Year Round Education (NAYRE)
Source Date: 2003-01-13
Monday, April 8, 2013
Research part 2
1. Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning. It is thought that brain development continues for many years after birth. Recent studies have clearly indicated that musical training physically develops the part of the left side of the brain known to be involved with processing language, and can actually wire the brain's circuits in specific ways. Linking familiar songs to new information can also help imprint information on young minds.
2. There is also a causal link between music and spatial intelligence (the ability to perceive the world accurately and to form mental pictures of things). This kind of intelligence, by which one can visualize various elements that should go together, is critical to the sort of thinking necessary for everything from solving advanced mathematics problems to being able to pack a book-bag with everything that will be needed for the day.
3. Students of the arts learn to think creatively and to solve problems by imagining various solutions, rejecting outdated rules and assumptions. Questions about the arts do not have only one right answer.
4. Recent studies show that students who study the arts are more successful on standardized tests such as the SAT. They also achieve higher grades in high school.
5. A study of the arts provides children with an internal glimpse of other cultures and teaches them to be empathetic towards the people of these cultures. This development of compassion and empathy, as opposed to development of greed and a "me first" attitude, provides a bridge across cultural chasms that leads to respect of other races at an early age.
6. Students of music learn craftsmanship as they study how details are put together painstakingly and what constitutes good, as opposed to mediocre, work. These standards, when applied to a student's own work, demand a new level of excellence and require students to stretch their inner resources.
7. In music, a mistake is a mistake; the instrument is in tune or not, the notes are well played or not, the entrance is made or not. It is only by much hard work that a successful performance is possible. Through music study, students learn the value of sustained effort to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work.
8. Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline. In order for an orchestra to sound good, all players must work together harmoniously towards a single goal, the performance, and must commit to learning music, attending rehearsals, and practicing.
9. Music provides children with a means of self-expression. Now that there is relative security in the basics of existence, the challenge is to make life meaningful and to reach for a higher stage of development. Everyone needs to be in touch at some time in his life with his core, with what he is and what he feels. Self-esteem is a by-product of this self-expression.
10. Music study develops skills that are necessary in the workplace. It focuses on "doing," as opposed to observing, and teaches students how to perform, literally, anywhere in the world. Employers are looking for multi-dimensional workers with the sort of flexible and supple intellects that music education helps to create as described above. In the music classroom, students can also learn to better communicate and cooperate with one another.
11. Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks. A little anxiety is a good thing, and something that will occur often in life. Dealing with it early and often makes it less of a problem later. Risk-taking is essential if a child is to fully develop his or her potential. Music contributes to mental health and can help prevent risky behavior such as teenage drug abuse.
12. An arts education exposes children to the incomparable.
2. There is also a causal link between music and spatial intelligence (the ability to perceive the world accurately and to form mental pictures of things). This kind of intelligence, by which one can visualize various elements that should go together, is critical to the sort of thinking necessary for everything from solving advanced mathematics problems to being able to pack a book-bag with everything that will be needed for the day.
3. Students of the arts learn to think creatively and to solve problems by imagining various solutions, rejecting outdated rules and assumptions. Questions about the arts do not have only one right answer.
4. Recent studies show that students who study the arts are more successful on standardized tests such as the SAT. They also achieve higher grades in high school.
5. A study of the arts provides children with an internal glimpse of other cultures and teaches them to be empathetic towards the people of these cultures. This development of compassion and empathy, as opposed to development of greed and a "me first" attitude, provides a bridge across cultural chasms that leads to respect of other races at an early age.
6. Students of music learn craftsmanship as they study how details are put together painstakingly and what constitutes good, as opposed to mediocre, work. These standards, when applied to a student's own work, demand a new level of excellence and require students to stretch their inner resources.
7. In music, a mistake is a mistake; the instrument is in tune or not, the notes are well played or not, the entrance is made or not. It is only by much hard work that a successful performance is possible. Through music study, students learn the value of sustained effort to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work.
8. Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline. In order for an orchestra to sound good, all players must work together harmoniously towards a single goal, the performance, and must commit to learning music, attending rehearsals, and practicing.
9. Music provides children with a means of self-expression. Now that there is relative security in the basics of existence, the challenge is to make life meaningful and to reach for a higher stage of development. Everyone needs to be in touch at some time in his life with his core, with what he is and what he feels. Self-esteem is a by-product of this self-expression.
10. Music study develops skills that are necessary in the workplace. It focuses on "doing," as opposed to observing, and teaches students how to perform, literally, anywhere in the world. Employers are looking for multi-dimensional workers with the sort of flexible and supple intellects that music education helps to create as described above. In the music classroom, students can also learn to better communicate and cooperate with one another.
11. Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks. A little anxiety is a good thing, and something that will occur often in life. Dealing with it early and often makes it less of a problem later. Risk-taking is essential if a child is to fully develop his or her potential. Music contributes to mental health and can help prevent risky behavior such as teenage drug abuse.
12. An arts education exposes children to the incomparable.
Research part 1
- Children who study music tend to have larger vocabularies and more advanced reading skills than their peers who do not participate in music lessons.
- Studying music primes the brain to comprehend speech in a noisy background.
- Children with learning disabilities or dyslexia who tend to lose focus with more noise could benefit greatly from music lessons.
- Research shows that music is to the brain as physical exercise is to the human body. Music tones the brain for auditory fitness and allows it to decipher between tone and pitch.
- Children who study a musical instrument are more likely to excel in all of their studies, work better in teams, have enhanced critical thinking skills, stay in school, and pursue further education.
- In the past, secondary students who participated in a music group at school reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances (tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs).
- Schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2 percent graduation rate and 93.9 percent attendance rate compared to schools without music education who average 72.9 percent graduation and 84.9 percent attendance.
- Regardless of socioeconomic status or school district, students who participate in high-quality music programs score 22 percent better on English and 20 percent better on Math standardized exams.
- Much like expert technical skills, mastery in arts and humanities is closely correlated to high earnings.
- A study from Columbia University revealed that students who study arts are more cooperative with their teachers and peers, have higher levels self-confidence, and are more equipped to express themselves and their ideas.
- Elementary age children who are involved in music lessons show greater brain development and memory improvement within a year than children who receive no musical training.
- Learning and mastering a musical instrument improves the way the brain breaks down and understands human language, making music students more apt to pick up a second language.
The Truth
Many people don't realize that without music education, the music that we listen to everyday would not exist. Without the music teachers of the past, we would not have the singers, dancers, and a lot of entertainments that we enjoy and use so much today.Without the Steps of Parnasuus, our world today would be completly different. No music, no instruments, no chiors, and a lot less celebirties that we look up to so much.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Spring break
I haven't been keeping my blog up to date, I have to admit. It has been a tough week an I have been trying to calm down from the disappointment of not being accepted to a lot of my colleges. It has been hard to keep my mind on this project because of the pain music has caused me in the past week.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Sad News
Sadly, I have not been accepted as a music major in any of the colleges I applied to.... I'm planning to go to a university I was accepted to academically then transfer after the first semester to Rowan.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tyler Ingling Interveiw
My interveiw with Tyler Ingling was rather short. I asked her many questions trough out the 10 minutes that we talked.
I recorded the interveiw on my phone.
During the interveiw, she stated that she has thought about playing again, since she has played flute before. When I asked her if she knew anything about music anymore, she said no but if someone was to remind her, she would probably quickly learn again.
Throughout the years, she said that she hasn't really seen any flubnctuations in her grades but music did seem to help her in a little bit in classes.
I also asked her what she uses music for. She replied, " It's a getaway and it's fun because my friendsare usually there with the music." She also said that the music helps with her emotions saying, " If I am sasd and a good song comes on, all of the sudden I am happy." Tyler also said that sometimes a song can remind her of someone or something.
I contiued to ask questions, trying to get some more answers, like what does she feel about after school musical activities.
"Why would I ever do that?!" she said was her first reaction when her friends tried to get her to join Winter Guard and Marching Band but now, she absolutly loves it. She even said " Now, I won't quit until I graduate.
Another question I asked is how do you think we get discriminated against?
She replied that the administration and the kids not involved don't realize how much work we do in these activeities.
"You don't know how much work is involved with Marching Band until you try it."
She continues by talking about how much music has helped her in life emotionally and socially. She gained many friends and knowladge that not many people have now a days.
Lastly, she even stated that if anything happened, it would be something that she would turn to.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Continuing problems
This past weekend, I was incredibly sick. I was not able to do any blogs due to my illness and the fact that my mom would not let me use the laptop or computer and I had no internet on my phone. sadly, I was also not able to participate at the University of Penn Palestra Honors Band this past weekend. It would have given me a time to show off my skills to a place where I applied to attend college.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Caution # 5
Another problem I am experiencing today is sickness. I have a bad cold but am trying to get through it. I probably won't be able to go to the University of Penn Palestra band now because of this. Hopefully, I will feel better by tomorrow so I can interveiw a few peiople from different schools too not just our own. and to play with a different group of people playing college level music.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Overveiw part 2
Over the past few week that I have truly been working on this project, I have done 3 interviews, only put up one so far, a lot of research which I am currently reading and highlighting important information for my project, and updated my blog as much as possible. I have also observed my 2 music teachers while participating in class and taking notes that could help me in the future. I have also had my own experiences working on my career as a musician by joining the University of Penn Palestra Honors Band, going to a Rowan Festival competing to be one of the top 12 bands in NJ for the 4th year in a row, and tomorrow I am going to see the Philadelphia Orchestra practice during school and I am hoping that at some point, I can try to talk to some of the musicians there to see what they have to say. Things have been going slow with interviews due to scheduling and everyone else's busy schedules and computer error. I have tried to send out emails to do interviews that way but have not received anything back from either of the 3 people I have tried to contact. Hopefully, I can see them in person at some point and try to schedule a quick interview with them then.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Caution #4
Another problem that I have found was that, with emails, not everyone checks theirs enough to respond. I sent some emails out to conduct some interveiws as this is one of the ways that my teachers have given me to conduct an interveiw and not one person has responded.
I sent the emails out about a week ago and have not recieved anything back. I have texted those that I could get a hold of and did not here back.
Hopefully I can get some responses because this is making me fall behind on my interveiws.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Caution #3
Today I realized I cannot conduct one of my interviews. On Friday I have a field trip that takes up the whole school day which is when I planned to do my interview. I will most likely move it to next week. Hopefully I will get all of the information from my other interviews up soon.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Today during class, I decided it was a good day to research about the reasons why I chose to do this project. I printed out a lot of information and will be going through all of them over the next few days highlighting everything I thought was important. I researched the questions:
Does music help with grades
Does music help with expressing emotions.
Here are the websites I found Helpful:
"Music Education Can Help Children Improve Reading Skills." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 Mar. 2009. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Music Lessons May Boost IQ and Grades." Music Lessons May Boost IQ and Grades. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Music and Emotion." Music and Emotion. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Science Blogs." Cognitive Daily. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
"Using Music to Help Children with Special Needs Manage Emotions | The Whole Learning School." Using Music to Help Children with Special Needs Manage Emotions | The Whole Learning School. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2013.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
This weekend, I have been trying to plan out who and when I want I interview people. Hopefully I can get these people done this next week.
Monday Tyler Ingling
Tuesday Jozee Muscella
Wendsday Marisa Murphy
Thursday Melissa Jarvis
Friday Shaun Lindner
This past week, a representative of the Marine Corps band came and started to talk to us about the opportunities that can come with joining the Marine Corps band. It seemed interesting but I don't think that I am going to join because I am tired of moving already since I am a military child.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Caution #2
My next issue that I ran into was losing power. Apparently a transformer blew on base at 830 yesterday morning. They didn't know when they would be able to fix the problem but last night at 930 the power came back on. Sadly, I was at a friends house already cause my mom wanted me to be somewhere else just on case we didn't get power back so we wouldn't freeze overnight.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Interveiw: Ali Ashwood
A few days ago, I interveiwed a student by the name of Ali Ashwood who has been singing since elementary school. I haven't been able to interveiw those stated from a few posts ago. She happened to be in the same place as me one day and I took advantage of the situation.She gladly answered some nof my questions and here is some answers she gave.
- When did you start playing? I started to sing in elementary school and played an instrument for a little while in middle school but had to stop due to scheduling.
- What do you like about music? "It is a get away for me." said Ali. She stated that music makes her feel better even on the toughest days whenever she is really sad or upset.
- Why do you like music? The fact that people can use it as a get away and how much you can get into the music.
- Have you seen any type of grade improvement since you joined a band/ chior? Not really but it has helped me in class with a few aspects like fractions in math and pronuncitation in english.
- What are your opinions on music activites? ( Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chior, ect) "I love guard" she said when I asked her about these activities. She is in the color guard in the marching band and in winter guard for the high school.
- Do you know anything about music theory? " I know Solfegdge if that's what you mean.."She knows some theory but only the pure basics like notes, names of key signitures.
She said that she also wants to be a singer and hopefully learning guitar( she is now) and continuing with chior will help.
Monday, March 4, 2013
College Audition Process for Music Educators
Over the past few months, I have auditioned for 4 different colleges for music education.
Over this past weekend, I auditioned for the last time at Rowan University.
The process is pretty grueling.
After seeing what each school wants you to prepare, you then have to practice for at least an hour a day, at least that is what most private teachers say. You should practice for months before auditioning. Usually you have to prepare scales, a solo, and any other things the specific teacher asks for.
When you go to audition at Rowan specifically, you go in and sign up for a time to audition for your specific instruments teacher.They will give you a piece of paper syaing what rooms all of your audition and placement tests will be located at and what times they will be open.
You have to complete:
A Theory placement test
An Interveiw
An Essay
Sight singing
Everything other then the auditon, you do on your own schedule. You can choose when to go as you please.
In my case, I did everything before the audition.
The scariest part is the audition especially since the flute teacher at Rowan joined the Philadelphia Orchestra at the age of 12 and is a master at the song I was auditioning with.
Everyone seemed very nice and seemed understanding that everyone is going to be nervous.
Now hopefully I get in.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Step by step
One of the reasons why I wanted to do this project was to become a music teacher. Today, I completed all of my auditions for music education in college. Hopefully, I get in.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I ran into my first problem.
The person that I was supposed to interveiw ran out of time so i couldn't interveiw her.
I am trying to reschedule but we both have really busy schedules.
We are hoping that since we are both in the Winter Guard that we can both arrive really early to practice and i can interveiw her then.
Hopefully I can get this interveiw along with one more done by the end of the week.
I am trying to interveiw Tyler Ingling, as one of the students that doesn't play music, and Marissa Murphy.
Marisa Murphy does play music but is restricted due to scheduling in school making it to where she does not have a band class at all. Hopefully she can give me more oerspective on how music can effect you if you stop playing after doing so for so long. I know that she loves playing and she really does miss it. I am hoping to interveiw her Friday.
I hope that I can get these two interveiws done and post them on this blog for everyone to see.
I hope I can get some good evidance for my point.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Getting Going
Today, I am starting my interveiws. I am going to start asking friends and collegues the questions I posted earlier. I don't know what type of repsonses I will get.
I also changed some of my questions on surveymonkey.com. With the help of my teacher, hopefully I will get some responses.
I think that if people complete my survey, it can help me a lot with my project.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Survery Monkey
Today I created a survey on surveymonkey.com.
Above is the link
I have 10 questions on there right now and plan on using the evidence in my final PowerPoint.
Hopefully a lot of people take the survey.
If not, I will have to research a lot of statistics to try to make my point made.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Getting ready to gather information
Tomorrow, I am going to try to gather some information with interveiws.
I am also going to have a meeting with the National Music Honor society on Tuesday and we are trying to get some things ready for fundraisers adn some fun community service projects to complete which I also plan to use in my project.
Overall, this weekend, I have been trying to get myself ready fro interveiws with the hints my teachders have given me this week in my WISE class.
Now it is time to truely get things started.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Overveiw part 1
After I started this project, I joined the Percussion Ensemble in the high school and I was also asked to join the National Music Honor Society.
I am now the Public Relations Officer of the Honor Society.
I think that joining those two organizations will help me through out this project by getting more insight of music and what others think about music.
I have yet to interview people but as posted in my other blogs, I have created questions and a list of people to ask. I would like to start interviewing this week.
Hopefully, I can start to get some data for my project in these next few weeks through the interviews and research.
Not much has happened yet but it's just the beginning and I am getting ready for the real quest ahead of me.
Friday, February 22, 2013
The Last Lecture part 2
We watched the actual lecture today.
I never thought I would learn a life lesson in a lecture.
It is hard for me to even believe that he had cancer due to his optimism and pride.
I almost cried when he said the day before was his wife's birthday and he came out with a big birthday cake and suprised his wife with 500 people saying happy birthday to her. He included that the lecture he was giving, might be his last.
I found it odd though that even when he talked about the brick walls and always being optimised about over coming them and tearing them down, he didn't seem to take his own advice about his cancer. He didn't seem like there was any chance he was going to beat it and that even with the therapy he was given, there was no hope.
He didn't seem to be as much of a fighter as other people I have seen and met with cancer in my own personal lifetimes.
But that is just my opinion.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Last Lecture
The quote given to us today is one of my favorite.
In my opinion, it is probably one of the most true quotes I have ever heard of.
I believe that if people don't want it enough, the walls can keep them away from their "goals" while others will try everything they can to make it to the finish line even if the wall is 100,000,000 feet high. They will find a rope, they will try to climb it, or blow it down and won't give up until they win.
This quote inspires me to keep going even if I already see problems I might face. It makes me want to strive to do more.
If a wall tries to stop me, I will use my imagination and creativity to create a way to face it and make sure that I can get the information I need to prove the importance of music education.
If a guy with Pancriatic Cancer can do it, so can I.
Sierra Leone
In this documentry, the Sierra Leone Refugee All Stars prove that music can help others and the musicians even when there is a war going on around you and you have seen the worst parts of war with your own eyes and possibly even had it happen to yourself. With the power of music, you can let loose and forget about the problems in life but without music education, they wouldn't have this get away.
Students to ask
Along with the teachers I am going to ask, I need to talk to students that have experience playing and those that don't. Some people that come into mind are;
Ray Delfing
Cassie Daamsguard
Marisa Murphy
Taylor Falkowski
Jozee Muscella
Tyler Ingling
Miranda Gable
Taylor Borgstrom
Tom Haley
Jesse Whitbeck
Maddie Didonato
Rachel Patterson
Elizabeth Porter
Interview Questions
Today, I wrote out some questions I should ask for each group of people I am going to interview and also found that I should interveiw some people that are not in any music class some questions too. These are the starting questions I will ask for each group.
Students/ Adults that play an instrument:
- When did you start playing?
- What do you like about music?
- Why do you like music?
- How has it helped you in life? How? Why?
- Have you seen any type of grade improvement since you joined a band/ chior?
- What do you personally use music for?
- What are your grades like?
Students/ Adults that don't play:
- What do you like about music?
- Why do you like music?
- How has it helped you in life? How? Why?
- Have you seen any type of grade improvement since you joined a band/ chior?
- What do you personally use music for?
- What are your opinions on music activites? ( Marching Band, Jazz Band, Chior, ect)
- What are your grades like?
- Have you ever thought about learning how to play or sing?
- Do you know anything about music theory?
Music Teachers
- What do you tink is the most important part of your job?
- Why do you teach music?
- Why did you get into music?
- What are your students like?
- Have you seen some "bad" kids change in anyway becasue of music?( in a good way)
- What complications have administration caused for the music program?
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
People of Interest
This weekend, I tried to figure out who I should ask questions to.
I tried to think of people in the area that I could easily have access to.
I realized that I also needed some people outside of the Burlington County area. After some thought, I found two teachers that I had while I lived in Virginia, to help me out. They are both music teachers and hopefully they can give me some insight to my project. It also helps that one is a Middle School teacher and the other is a High School teacher so I can have different perspectives and maybe some different answers which can further my research.
Here are some of the people I would like to contact to help answer my research questions:
Mr. Lindner
Mr. Taylor
Mrs. Dobberstien
Mr. Bacz
Mrs. Tomasone
Over the next few months, I hope to have more people to contact and have a decent answer to all of my questions.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Research Questions
1. How does music help people involved in music throughout life?
a)Talk to graduates/ teachers
b)talk to people who have given up music
2. What do I have to accomplish in my career as a music teacher later on in life to become a professor in music education or performance?
a)ask a professor
b)ask teachers what they have done so far and how close they are to achieving it
c)research statistics on how long it takes and what i need to do
3. How has music/ music education positively impacted our our society in general since it has emerged?
a)research history of music and how it has evolved with society
b)ask a music theory/music history teacher
c) ask different types of people about how music has impacted them
d)ask a history teacher how music has impacted the world historically
4. What are the hidden benefits in music education?
a)research past studies on the importance of music education
b) ask cuurent students how music has helped them
c)ask music teachers
d)ask a history teacher how music has impacted the world historically
4. What are the hidden benefits in music education?
a)research past studies on the importance of music education
b) ask cuurent students how music has helped them
c)ask music teachers
These questions are going to help me throughout my project.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Julie and Julia
This movie was inspiring in many ways.
It kind of gave me hope about my project because we are doing essentially the same thing. She wrote about what she learned with the recipes and we are writing what we are learning about with our topics. Even though our research most likely wont get national attention, we still are going to learn great things about the stuff we want to learn about.
I feel as if the movie was trying to set a positive attitude to start our project out to show what we can potentially end up doing.
Maybe one of us will have a great blog about our experience with our "Julie and Julia" essenced project and get it published or shown nation wide.
It also showed me that even though you run into problems, you should always stay positive even though it can be hard to do so. Not only if something happend to your project but also in yyour personal life. Keeping a positive attitude adn not giving up is the best advice given to us from this movie in my opinion because without keeping our heads up, our projects might fail or we might just give up on it.
It also showed me that even though you run into problems, you should always stay positive even though it can be hard to do so. Not only if something happend to your project but also in yyour personal life. Keeping a positive attitude adn not giving up is the best advice given to us from this movie in my opinion because without keeping our heads up, our projects might fail or we might just give up on it.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tom's Project
Today we finsihed up looking at a completed project. The student that did the project was named Tom.
It seemd like he had a problem in the begining to. Through out his project, he seemed like he went through it calmly and stress-free. I know for a fact that I won't be able to. I wish I knew his secret. Even though he noted his issues, there didn't seem to be as huge obsticle to overcome.
He took his research to a level i never thought of doing. He went to a national conference and interveiwed agricultrual masters.
I wonder if there is anything like that for music.
Maybe there is a conference to show how important music education is.
Looking at his presentation though gave me hope for my project. I know for a fact I can do better than him but the process is going to be a lot more stressful.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Starting Off....
Here we all are, sitting here thinking of something to do on our own in school for the first time. There was always someone telling us what to do up to now and it's pretty nice to study something that I want to study not something that I am forced to do. It's kind of a relief especially since it's the last period of the day. After 8 hours of teachers getting mad at us for no reason and treating us like we are 13 years younger than we are, we get to choose what we want to do.
This is my first blog so I am sure this is going to be crap but I will try my best.
I am kind of stuck on what to do...I want to do something with music but I just got rejected from a music program at the worst school I applied to. I got accepted into the college but not the program I want to go to college for.
I am sure that if I do get into a music program from my other schools I will be fine.
I've been thinking about adding some videos too. I probably will whenever I am bored. I am excited that I can finally control my studies. Finally I can learn what I want.
I hope I don't disappoint.
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