Factoid #1
Studies show that where schools increase opportunities for the arts for all students, test scores rise proportionately.... Although pull-out instrumental lessons in the intermediate grades often come under scrutiny, largely due to scheduling, research has shown that creating time in the school day for band or choir has no impact on participants' test scores.
Paul G. Young, Principal of West Elementary School, Lancaster, PA, and President of the National Association of Elementary School Principlals 2002-2003
Source: Principal Magazine - Source Date: 2003-01-01
Factoid #2
Six studies in the last decades have been conducted to investigate the academic effects of removing students from the regular elementary classroom for string instruction. The studies involve both urban and suburban school districts differing in size, socioeconomic mix, and racial balance. All six studies show that student math and reading achievement test scores are not affected by classroom pull-out.
Source: "The Elementary Pullout Crisis: Using Research Effectively" ASTA publication
Source Date: 1998-04-01
Factoid #3
Student productivity is defined as academic achievement and satisfaction. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the reorganization of school time -- the school calendar and the length of instructional periods -- on student satisfaction at the high school level. To read more about their research please go to link below.
Source: National Association for Year Round Education (NAYRE)
Source Date: 2003-01-13