I ran into my first problem.
The person that I was supposed to interveiw ran out of time so i couldn't interveiw her.
I am trying to reschedule but we both have really busy schedules.
We are hoping that since we are both in the Winter Guard that we can both arrive really early to practice and i can interveiw her then.
Hopefully I can get this interveiw along with one more done by the end of the week.
I am trying to interveiw Tyler Ingling, as one of the students that doesn't play music, and Marissa Murphy.
Marisa Murphy does play music but is restricted due to scheduling in school making it to where she does not have a band class at all. Hopefully she can give me more oerspective on how music can effect you if you stop playing after doing so for so long. I know that she loves playing and she really does miss it. I am hoping to interveiw her Friday.
I hope that I can get these two interveiws done and post them on this blog for everyone to see.
I hope I can get some good evidance for my point.