Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tom's Project

      Today we finsihed up looking at a completed project. The student that did the project was named Tom.

      It seemd like he had a problem in the begining to. Through out his project, he seemed like he went through it calmly and stress-free. I know for a fact that I won't be able to. I wish I knew his secret. Even though he noted his issues, there didn't seem to be as huge obsticle to overcome.

     He took his research to a level i never thought of doing. He went to a national conference and interveiwed agricultrual masters.

    I wonder if there is anything like that for music.

   Maybe there is a conference to show how important music education is.
  Looking at his presentation though gave me hope for my project. I know for a fact I can do better than him but the process is going to be a lot more stressful.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Starting Off....

              Here we all are, sitting here thinking of something to do on our own in school for the first time. There was always someone telling us what to do up to now and it's pretty nice to study something that I want to study not something that I am forced to do. It's kind of a relief especially since it's the last period of the day. After 8 hours of teachers getting mad at us for no reason and treating us like we are 13 years younger than we are, we get to choose what we want to do.

              This is my first blog so I am sure this is going to be crap but I will try my best.

               I am kind of stuck on what to do...I want to do something with music but I just got rejected from a music program at the worst school I applied to. I got accepted into the college but not the program I want to go to college for.

            I am sure that if I do get into a music program from my other schools I will be fine.

           I've been thinking about adding some videos too. I probably will whenever I am bored. I am excited that I can finally control my studies. Finally I can learn what I want.

          I hope I don't disappoint.